What ERP Buyers Want in our Cloud-first World


The ERP landscape has shifted from traditional, on-premise client/server deployments to software-as-a-service, ERP in the cloud.  Buyers have realized this shift has major benefits for their business, including:

  • Scalability
  • Reliability
  • Elasticity
  • Cost Savings

Gartner www.gartner.com projects huge growth of core ERP systems in the cloud by 2025.  IT leaders also say maintaining hardware, software and infrastructure is no longer a core part of their business and freeing up IT resources helps them to stay competitive and bring more innovation to market.

How buyer characteristics have changed over the last several years:

Choosing a Savvy Partner More Important Than Ever

A cloud provider shouldn’t just sell you a product and move on. You need someone who can work with you to narrow down your choices, confirm your purchase decision, and then work together to ensure your business processes can be successfully deployed via the chosen system.

Additionally, you want to select a cloud ERP partner with expertise in your industry and ERP products.  They are the ones to help you design a realistic implementation strategy, so it’s imperative your partner knows how cloud operations effectively transition into your business procedures.

Collaboration Matters

Time moves in an accelerated fashion in a cloud world, so it is important that the cloud ERP buying process be as collaborative as possible.  The cloud ERP Buyer and Partner need to enter into a trusting, collaborative relationship so that both sides can work together to successfully implement the new system on-time/budget and create the marketing case study!


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