6 Reasons to Switch to Office 365 Enterprise E3


1. Automatic Updates to Well-Known Apps

Office 365

First, your company will always be on the latest version and will not need to worry about upgrading to latest and greatest. Office 365 Enterprise E3 is straightforward to use; most you have been using these products throughout your professional careers. Only difference is your data will be in the cloud rather than your physical server in the office.

2. All of the Industry’s Best Apps

Microsoft’s Office 365 Enterprise E3 plan includes: Outlook, Word, Excel, Access, OneNote, Publisher, PowerPoint, Exchange, One Drive, and Skype for Business (soon to be ‘Microsoft Teams’).

3. Cloud-Based Hosting

Exchange Online is email hosting “in the Cloud,” thus will lighten the load on your physical server since you no longer have to host it. Microsoft Cloud allows your data to be accessible from anywhere and is one of the top reasons that companies switch to Office 365. Email hosting allows 100 GB per mailbox and 150 MB for sending attachments. From your mobile phone, tablet, or laptop, you can access email, documents, contacts, and calendar – Office 365 allows you to work anywhere.

4. Advanced Communication Tools

Communication among team members is something all good companies are constantly striving to improve. Emails can become burdensome, Skype for Business allows you to send instant messages with colleagues, make phone calls, schedule online meetings, and video conferencing. Also, remote collaboration for companies with multiple locations and warehouses is definitely an added advantage.

5. Easy File Sharing and Collaboration

OneDrive, similar to Dropbox, allows individuals or teams to share documents and files online. No more large email attachments or thumb drives — just send a link via email, text, or iMessage.

6. Repurpose Your IT Person

Microsoft Office 365 will keep your data safe and secure, alleviating any IT headaches. Also, once you are partnered with Crestwood Associates we can support your Office 365 programs. So let your IT person turn their attention to higher value tasks. It’s win-win!


The Microsoft Office 365 Enterprise E3 plan is $20.00 per user per month.

If you would like to purchase Office 365 or have further questions, please let us know. Email our team of experts at sales@crestwood.com.

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