If you work in accounts payable, you know that check runs can be a pain, and would welcome any ways to expedite the process of printing checks. Crestwood to the rescue! Did you know that in Acumatica, you can add a digital signature to checks before they print? Here’s how:
Adding the Signature to the Check
First, you will need create a signature file with .png format and make the background transparent using Adobe (if you have it) or an online tool (like LunaPic).
Once you have your signature file ready, go to Cash Accounts. Select the cash account and click on the Signature tab. Click on the Browse button and locate the signature file. Click on upload.
You will now have to open the check format in Report Designer. To find out which file is being used for your signature, go to Payment Methods, open the payment method that you are using for checks. Click on the Settings for Use in AP tab. Under Check Printing Settings, in the Report field, it shows which form is being used. In my case, it is AP641000.
Open the report in Report Designer. You will need to add a picture box to your report.
Use the following settings for your picture box:
Once you have added your picture box, you will need to add Cash Account to your schema. In your report, select Build Schema. Click on Load Schema, select Cash Accounts from the left pane and insert it into the right pane:
Click on the Relationships tab. You will need to add the relationship shown below.
Once the relationship has added, save your report to the server. You should be able to now print a check with a signature. Hopefully this tip will shave some time off your check run process! Be sure to subscribe to our blog for more quick tips like this!