Give Your Employees the Gift of Anytime, Anywhere Access with Cloud Based ERP

Acumatica Cloud ERP

2019 is coming to an end. However, leading up to the end of the year, there’s a holiday coming up, one that your employees may be heading home for. “Home” means different things to different people. For some, this may mean a few miles down the road, for others, it’s a cross-country flight away.

Unfortunately for many employees, the timing of Christmas and New Year’s this year makes for an odd schedule in the last two weeks of 2019. With these holidays falling in the middle of the week, trying to bring everything together to finalize year-end will feel more like herding cats than most years. The already-stressful process looks even more challenging with few days to work with.

However, it doesn’t have to be this stressful. In fact, thanks to cloud solutions like Acumatica, your employees can work from wherever they need to.

Why Employees Will Love the ‘Gift’ of Cloud ERP

Acumatica Cloud ERPOkay, so maybe your employees won’t see it this way (right now). Calling your decision to invest in software a ‘gift’ would be akin to buying your spouse a vacuum/sweeper, and it’s definitely not a good idea to replace their holiday bonus with a software investment.

However, following the implementation process, your employees will begin to realize just how great of a gift this really is—not just for them, but for the entire company.

A Slightly-More-Peaceful Holiday Season and Year-End Close in 2020

We get it. The end of the year is a tough time. Everyone is scrambling to close out the year, email each other planning documents and budgets, and do so while trying to get a little family time in. But with the anytime, anywhere access provided by the cloud, you can facilitate collaboration, provide employees with a single version of the truth, and ultimately make your entire team’s job easier.

Rather than flying out of town on Christmas Eve and back in on Boxing Day to complete year-end close, your employees can work from home—wherever home may be. All they need is an internet connection and a browser, and they can do work. This will increase satisfaction and productivity, positioning you for great year after great year.

Better yet, thanks to the lower upfront costs that exist in the cloud, you can still afford to give out the annual holiday bonus—truly the best of both worlds.

Get to Know Acumatica: Smarter Cloud ERP for the Modern Business

If you want to make 2020 your best year yet, get to know Acumatica. Sold exclusively through a network of highly qualified partners like Crestwood, Acumatica is built for the cloud and able to deliver the visibility, control, automation, and usability you need from an ERP solution. Learn more about this modern cloud ERP and contact us for a consultation.

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