AR or Inventory (IN) Issues Batch Created in Order Management Show as Void

Have you ever encountered the following in Microsoft Dynamics SL?

  • You are running Order Management in Dynamics SL
  • You have AR or Inventory batches that are voided but appear to have data in them.
  • You are missing AR invoices or Inventory transactions.

The most common cause for this issue is that the Sales Journal Processes did not complete. To fix this, just rerun the Sales Journal for the batches in question.

Here’s How:

  1. Bring up the Issues batch in the IN Issues screen and note an Invoice number (Reference Number).
  2. Go to Order Management Shippers screen and click on the magnifier next to the Shipper ID field. This will open the Open/Closed Shippers screen.
  3. Key the Invoice number from step 1 in the Invoice Number field (on the right side of the screen).
  4. Change the Order Status to Both.
  5. Click the Refresh button.
  6. In the Detail Grid area click on the Shipper Id and click the Select button. This will bring up the shipper.
  7. Click the Other Information tab. Note the Sales Journal Id number (field on the left bottom of the screen.)
  8. Go to the Sales Journal report under the Reports section of the Order Management menu.
  9. Click on the Options tab.
  10. Enter the Sales Journal ID including leading zeroes.
  11. Click Print Preview.

This will regenerate the Sales Journal for the Invoices that have a void IN or AR batch. You can now release the batches in AR or Inventory.

If you have questions or need some assistance, visit our support page for more help.

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