How to Use Acumatica Report Designer

Acumatica Report Writer

Acumatica uses report templates for most of the out-of-the-box forms and reports. This makes creating new reports so much faster and more efficient.  Within these templates, you can view and change the appearance settings to suit your needs. Or you can start creating a new report, then add in the template; all the formatting will still be there so you are ready to go. This works whether you are changing the text in a form (e.g. sales order, invoice, etc.) or a report (Aged A/P, Aged A/R, etc.).

TWO IMPORTANT NOTES: If you make a change to the template, it will affect all the reports and/or forms that are using that same template.  You must also have the Acumatica Report Writer installed on your local machine.

Here’s how to edit the template

First, open the form or report by clicking on the Edit Report button.

acumatica report designer

The report will require you to enter credentials to access the server.  Typically, these are the same credentials that you use to login to Acumatica. The report will open and have a similar look to this:

Acumatica Report Writer TemplatesThe area that displays, if a template is used, is located in the Appearance>Styles Template section.  Remember that any changes that are made to the template will update all reports and forms using this template, so be careful before you update this.

Acumatica Report designer appearance

If you see a specific template is being used, you need to open that template form/report.  You do so by opening that file name through the report writer interface.  Select “Open Report From Server” and enter the specific path that is provided in the properties.

That will launch the template.  Once the template is loaded you can view the various formatting setups of the report.  Click on the Appearance StyleSheet and it will open the StyleRule Collection Editor.  Each member area will give you information on the color, font, size, etc. of that part of the report.

Acumatica Report Writer Templates

Have fun with your Acumatica templates.  If you have any questions or need assistance around changing the fonts, colors, etc. of a report or simply anything Acumatica, check out this overview of Acumatica’s help portal, or contact us at Crestwood! We are happy to help.

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