Change Your Debit/Credit SmartList Default Display Order in Dynamics GP

One of my personal frustrations when I started working with SmartLists in Microsoft Dynamics GP, was the fact that on every report using debits and credits, they were ‘backwards’ from how I was used to seeing them. In my mind, debits always came first and credits were always after. Many times, I’d work on a SmartList exported to Excel, and I would either have to manually move the columns around or perform rework if I didn’t notice they were not in my preferred order.

Luckily, Microsoft Dynamics GP allows you to change this default order, so your reports in SmartList will always display the columns in the order you want them in.

Let’s take a look at this quick and easy solution.

Navigate to Microsoft Dynamics GP menu > Tools > Setup > System > SmartList Options. Choose your SmartList Category, Account Transactions in my case. Please note that Categories are on no particular order, so you may have to scroll carefully before finding the proper one.

Highlight the Debit Amount field, and use the arrows on the right hand side to move that field above the Credit Amount field:

Click OK to save your changes, and repeat for any other SmartList Categories you wish to change in this manner. When running any canned SmartList under Account Transactions, I now get Debits first, and credits second, just like I prefer:

I hope this quick tip helps your SmartLists run more efficiently.

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