With so many of us working from home, what would have been a conversation over a cubicle, now requires a scheduled meeting. Here are some tips for getting more out of your Microsoft Outlook Calendar and how to get a meeting on the right calendars, fast!
1. Quickly View Calendar without Switching Screens
Tired of flipping between your mail and your calendar? Hover your mouse over the Calendar icon and you can scroll through your day without leaving email, or click on any other day to do the same.
2. View Multiple Time Zones on Your Calendar
If you work in multiple time zones, it’s helpful to add additional time zones to your calendar as a reminder. Choose File > Options > Calendar and scroll down to the Time Zones section. Simply click the button to add a second (or third) time zone.
3. Share Calendar Availability to Anyone
If you need to share availability with someone outside of your organization, did you know you can email a summary of your busy and free calendar times? Open your calendar, choose Email Calendar and you can select specific days to share. Outlook creates the summary below, which you can edit, if needed, and send. If you are able to add the calendars of others in your organization, you can email availability for other calendars too!
4. Easily View All Meeting Attendees’ Schedules
If you are scheduling a meeting for multiple people in your organization, try Outlook’s scheduling assistant. Create a meeting, add your attendees, then choose Scheduling Assistant to see a grid of your collective available calendar time, and choose the right time for everyone. No more sending endless rescheduling emails back and forth.
Work smarter, not harder! For more Office 365 tips, check out our previous post: Removing “Top Results” from Microsoft Outlook Search.