Crestwood Blog

an example of a distribution center working better when backed by an ERP distribution software

How To Find the Best Distribution ERP Software

How To Find the Best Distribution ERP Software If you got a nickel every time you heard the phrases “supply chain issues,” “supply chain snafus,” or some variation thereof over the last three years … well, you probably wouldn’t be reading this post; you’d have quit running a distribution company and retired to a private … Read more

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Enhance Performance with GP Cloud Migration
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Unlocking Speed: How Cloud-Based Servers Enhance Performance with GP Cloud Migration

In today’s digital-first world where instant gratification is the norm, speed is of the essence. This holds true for every aspect of business operations, but it is especially critical when it comes to your IT infrastructure. Cloud-based servers offer a powerful solution for businesses seeking performance optimization and efficiency. For companies considering a GP Cloud … Read more

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Why QuickBooks Users are Moving to Acumatica

In the world of accounting and finance software, QuickBooks has long been a stalwart, providing businesses with the tools they need to manage their finances. However, as businesses grow and their needs evolve, many are finding that QuickBooks no longer meets their requirements. Enter Acumatica vs QuickBooks discussion. Acumatica is a cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning … Read more

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New software release
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Latest Release: Advanced Commissions for Acumatica

Discovering the Latest Release of our Advanced Commissions Add-On Solution   As businesses grow and evolve, so do their requirements and challenges. One such area of constant evolution is the management of commissions. The traditional systems, while effective for basic tasks, often fall short when businesses demand more flexibility and advanced functionalities. Crestwood Associates recognized … Read more

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Simplified Server Processes
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Streamlining Upgrades: Simplifying On-Premise Server Processes with a GP Cloud Migration

In today’s competitive business landscape, efficiency is the cornerstone of success. With the right tools and technology, businesses can streamline processes, enhance productivity, and drive growth. One area where efficiency is particularly important is IT infrastructure – specifically, the process of upgrading on-premise servers. For businesses using Microsoft Dynamics GP, an excellent solution to simplify … Read more

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mastering user management with security roles and user permissions
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Mastering User Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Acumatica’s Security Roles and Permissions

As you embark on your journey with Acumatica, understanding the intricacies of its security roles and permissions becomes essential. This guide aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills required to effectively manage user access within the Acumatica environment. Role-based Security in Acumatica: A Tailored Approach In Acumatica’s secure ecosystem, each user’s access is … Read more

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Elevating Your Cloud Experience with microsoft azure
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Elevating Your Cloud Experience: Why Microsoft Azure Surpasses Expectations

In the rapidly evolving technological landscape, choosing the right cloud provider can profoundly influence your business trajectory. One cloud platform that has consistently outperformed its counterparts is Microsoft Azure for businesses. In this post, we’ll delve into the compelling reasons why Azure, a service built on decades of Microsoft’s steadfast innovation, is the best choice … Read more

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RECORDED WEBINAR: Why Acumatica Cloud ERP Outshines QuickBooks

Register OnDemand   Searching for a new ERP system is challenging. That is why Acumatica is here to help. Analyzing traditional (legacy) ERP providers and leading Cloud ERP providers (like Acumatica) presents challenges in comparing the essential criteria that will help you determine which solution fits your needs better. Featuring: Phoenix Renovation and Restoration, Inc. … Read more

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Guide to GP Migration Strategy and Minimize On-Premise Downtime
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Achieve Seamless GP Migrations and Minimize On-Premise Downtime: An In-Depth Guide

As we prepare to embark on the enlightening transition from conventional on-premise systems to the expansive realm of cloud technology, Great Plains (GP) migrations play a pivotal role. The benefits of this transition are profound: increased operational efficiency, cost reductions, and unparalleled flexibility. However, this journey can present potential challenges, including the much-feared on-premise downtime. … Read more

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Demystify M365 complexities with our Microsoft 365 Licensing Guide
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The Ultimate Guide to Microsoft 365 Licensing: Unraveling the Mystery

Microsoft 365 (M365) is an integral toolset for any business, from startups to multinationals. However, understanding its licensing intricacies often proves challenging. In this blog post, we’ll demystify the ins and outs of M365 licensing, offering you a comprehensive Microsoft 356 licensing guide to making the most of your M365 subscription.  An Introduction to Microsoft … Read more

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construction teams streamline project management with the best construction erp software at their fingertips
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How to Find the Best Construction ERP Software

How To Find the Best Construction ERP Software A successful construction project requires many tools, but one of the most important of these possesses is neither bit nor blade. The right ERP system can mean the difference between a project that runs smoothly, without wasting materials or staff hours, and one that comes in past … Read more

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a visual of erp software integration bringing different parts of a business together
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ERP Software Integration Minus the Headaches: Your Guide

ERP Software Integration Minus the Headaches: Your Guide Business is booming beyond your wildest dreams. You’ve added team members, doubled your sales, you’re even thinking about expanding your enterprise. It’s all upside. Almost. The only downside to the rapid growth of your business is that the shiny, new ERP system you implemented a couple of … Read more

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business central benefits
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6 Reasons Why Business Central is Unique

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are essential to the functioning of modern businesses. They help organizations manage their core business processes such as finance, sales, inventory, and production. Among the popular ERP solutions in the market is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Here’s what makes Business Central unique and why it is an excellent choice … Read more

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a worker in a manufacturer warehouse is able to work efficiently with the best manufacturing erp software at their fingertips
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How to Find the Best Manufacturing ERP Software

Many manufacturing ERP software systems are as embedded within organizations as the production equipment that powers them. Just like machinery that doesn’t evolve with the times, an ERP system can become outdated and painfully inefficient. And just as outdated equipment can slow down your whole production line, an outdated ERP system can keep your entire … Read more

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3 ERP Customization Examples to Inspire You

When it comes to enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, a solution such as Acumatica will help streamline processes, eliminate data silos that can be detrimental to your operations, and make life easier for employees throughout your company – straight out of the box.  But if an ERP can do all of that without a single … Read more

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new software release
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Latest Release: Collections Management for Acumatica

What’s New in the Latest Release of Our Collections Management Add-On   Offered as an add-on product to Acumatica users, our Collections Management tool has proven to be a game-changer for collections activities. Businesses can easily visualize all their collections activities from a convenient dashboard, while also automating timed steps in collection plans, the closing … Read more

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key steps to cloud erp implementation
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Key Steps for Successful Cloud ERP Implementation

ERP systems have been helping businesses streamline their operations for decades. Cloud-based ERP systems have now become more popular due to their flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. However, cloud ERP implementation can be a daunting task that requires careful planning, execution, and management to ensure success. Successful cloud-based ERP implementation is a matter of taking the … Read more

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cloud hosting
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How Can State-of-the Art Cloud Hosting Technology Help Maximize the Efficiency of Businesses?

In today’s world, businesses rely heavily on technology to operate efficiently and effectively. One of the key technologies that businesses use is cloud hosting technology. Cloud hosting allows businesses to store and access their data and applications on remote servers rather than on their own computers or servers. With state-of-the-art cloud hosting technology, businesses can … Read more

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ROI from an ERP system
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Maximize Value in the ERP System Development Process

Maximize Value in the ERP System Development Process Everyone loves a good value. It can be so satisfying to get two avocados for the price of one or to take your child to the museum for free with the purchase of an adult admission. But arguably even more gratifying is garnering an above-and-beyond return on … Read more

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a checklist for choosing an ERP system
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Choosing Between ERP Systems Guide | Crestwood Associates

How to Choose Between Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Your spreadsheets are in shambles. Your documents are in disarray. Your accounting is atrocious. Your customer service is crumbling.  It’s definitely time for an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. Now the question is, with so many types of enterprise resource planning systems to choose from, which one?  … Read more

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